ARCHES Activities




In press   Willen, S.S. “Introduction: Flourishing and Health in Critical PerspectiveAn Invitation to Interdisciplinary Dialogue.” Social Science and Medicine—Mental Health.

In press   Willen, S.S., A.F. Williamson, C.C. Walsh, M. Hyman, & W. Tootle, Jr. “Rethinking Flourishing: Critical Insights and Qualitative Perspectives from the U.S. Midwest.” Social Science and Medicine—Mental Health.

2022    Walsh, C.C., S.S. Willen, & A.F. Williamson. “Learning to See Racism: Catalysts of Perspective Transformation among Stakeholders in a Regional Health and Equity Initiative.” Journal of Population Health Management and Practice. 28:S82-S90.

2021   Willen, S.S., C.C. Walsh, & A.F. Williamson. “Visualizing Health Equity: Qualitative Perspectives on the Value and Limits of Health Equity Images.” Health Education & Behavior. 48(5): 595-603.


Invited talks

2021   “Health Hardship, COVID, and Attitudes toward Health Equity.” Williamson, A.F., S.S. Willen, C.C. Walsh. American Politics Speaker Series. Syracuse University. (Syracuse, NY/Zoom).

2021   “Health Hardship, COVID, and Attitudes toward Health Equity.” Williamson, A.F., S.S. Willen, C.C. Walsh. Trinity College Faculty Research Committee Lecture Series. (Hartford, CT/Zoom).

2020   Colloquium: “How Does Structural Racism Become Visible? What Does Perspective Transformation Look Like? Qualitative Insights from the U.S. Midwest." S.S. Willen. Critical Reflections on the Social Sciences & Public Health Seminar Series. Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. (New York, NY/Zoom).

2020   “Structural Racism and Health: Legal and Anthropological Perspectives on a Public Health Crisis.” S.S. Willen & R. Yearby. Hospital Medical Education Series, Connecticut Children's Medical Center (Hartford, CT/Zoom).

2019   Colloquium: “Investigating Public Responses to Racial Health Disparities: ARCHES | The AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study.” C. Walsh. Prevention Research Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. (Cleveland, OH). 

2017    Keynote: “’Health Equity’ as a Medical Anthropological Challenge: Fieldnotes from the Frontiers of Public Health, Civil Society, and Private Philanthropy.” Presented at “Encounters in the Border Zones of Healthcare: Medical Anthropological Perspectives.” S. Willen. Van Leer Institute for Advanced Study & Open University (Jerusalem, Israel).


Public and policy presentations

2019    Panel discussion: "Using the Right Research Methods to Optimize Population Health Management." C. Walsh. Cleveland Population Health Symposium, Center for Populations Health Research. Cleveland Clinic. (Cleveland, OH).

2019   "ARCHES Project Overview." C. Walsh. Data for Community Health Workshop. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (Washington, DC). 

2018    Panel discussion: “Confronting Structural Racism: What Is My Role.” G. Brown, M. Burns, H. Gullett, C. Walsh, S. Willen, R. Yearby. Social Justice Institute, Case Western Reserve University. (Cleveland, OH).

2018    “ARCHES | AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study: An Overview.” S. Willen & C. Walsh. Presentation to the Advisory Board of the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO). (Columbus, OH).

2018    “ARCHES Update.” C. Walsh and S. Willen. Presentation to the Steering Committee of Health Improvement Partnership-Cuyahoga (HIP-Cuyahoga), Morris Black Estates, (Cleveland, OH).



Conference presentations

2021    “Whose Health Deserves Investment? A Crowdfunding Conjoint Experiment.” Williamson, A.F., Lunz Trujillo, K., S.S. Willen, C.C. Walsh. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (APSA). (Zoom/Seattle, WA).

2021    “Health Hardship, COVID, and Attitudes toward Health Equity.” Williamson, A.F., S.S. Willen, C.C. Walsh. American Association for Public Opinion Research Annual Conference (AAPOR). (Zoom).

2020     “What Do People Need to Flourish? A Critical Assessment of the Emerging Literature on Flourishing and Health.” S. Willen, C. Walsh, A.F. Williamson, M. Hyman, W. Tootle. American Society for Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meetings. (Baltimore, MD/online)

2020     “From Interviews to Survey Experiments: Innovating Flexible Coding Approaches.” A.F. Williamson, S. Willen, C. Walsh. American Political Science Association Annual Meetings. (San Francisco, CA/Zoom.)

2020     “ARCHES | AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study.” Synthesizing Knowledge and Gaps in Research to Inform Communication Strategies in Building a Culture of Health Workshop. A.F. Williamson, S.S. Willen, C.C. Walsh. Wesleyan University. January 15. (Middletown, CT).

2019     "Does Health Equity Mean What We Think it Means? Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study of a County-Wide Population Health Initiative in the U.S. Midwest." S. Willen, C. Walsh, A.F. Williamson, W. Tootle. American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meetings. (Philadelphia, PA).

2019     "Status Quo or Problem? Investigating Public Responses to Racial Health Disparities." C. Walsh, S. Willen, A.F. Williamson, W. Tootle. APHA Annual Meetings. (Philadelphia, PA).

2019     "Visualizing Health Equity: The Value and Limits of Equity Images." S. Willen, C. Walsh, A.F. Williamson, & W. Tootle. APHA Annual Meetings. (Philadelphia, PA).

2019     “Friable Concepts or Imaginative Failures? Ethnographic Reflections on Rights, Equity, and Solidarity in the Contemporary U.S.” Conference: “Reconceptualizing Health For All: The Alma-Ata Declaration and the Future of Global Health.” S. Willen. Harvard Medical School. (Cambridge, MA.)

2019     “What Does 'Perspective Transformation' Look Like? Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study of a Health and Equity Initiative in the U.S. Midwest.” S. Willen, C. Walsh, A.F. Williamson, W. Tootle, M. Halko, G. Brown, H. Gullett. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) Annual Meeting. (Seattle, WA).

2019     “Community Members & Health Professionals’ Responses to Racial Disparities in Life Expectancy.” M. Tursi. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Trinity College. (Hartford, CT).

2019     “Flourishing and Health: Inverting Syndemics Logic to Advance the Promotion of Human Well-being.” S. Willen. 2nd International Israeli Medical Anthropology Workshop. (Jerusalem, Israel).

2018     Roundtable: “Who Deserves a Healthy Life? Critical Reflections on a Collaborative, Interdisciplinary Study of Health, (Un)fairness, & (In)equity in the U.S.” C. Walsh, W. Tootle, S. Willen, M. Burns, R. Yearby, H. Castañeda, K. Mason. AAA Annual Meetings. (San José, CA). Organizers: S. Willen & C. Walsh.

2018     “Fairness and Health in a Polarized America: ARCHES | AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study.” R. Dunn, W. Tootle, C. Walsh, S. Willen, A.F. Williamson. American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meetings (Boston, MA).

2018     Plenary Roundtable: “Building a ‘Culture of Health’: Medical Anthropologists Reflect on an Emerging Idiom of Social Justice Mobilization.” N. Davidovitch, K. Mason, W. Tootle, C. Walsh, S. Willen. Society for Applied Anthropology/Society for Medical Anthropology Annual Meetings. Organizers: S. Willen & C. Walsh (Philadelphia, PA).


Media (select)

2021     "We're Already Barreling Toward the Next Pandemic." The Atlantic.

2021     Trinity Researchers Across Disciplines Address Various Aspects of COVID-19. Trinity College.

2020     Study: Education, Interactions Can Change Perspective On Race. Ideastream. WCPN.

2019     Perspective Transformation: Learning to See Racism. JPHMP Direct.

2019     ARCHES | The AmeRicans’ Conceptions of Health Equity Study: Transition from Phase I to Phase II. HIP-Cuyahoga Newsletter. Spring 2019. See also Spring 2018.

2018     A New InCHIP Grant Investigates Americans' Perspectives on Health Equity. Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy Annual Report. University of Connecticut. pp. 18-19.

2018     Blockchain in Space, a Writing Fellowship and More. Crain's Cleveland Business.

2018     Investigating Health Equity: CSU Helps Lead National Opinion Study. Cleveland State University News & Announcements.

2017     Trinity Professor is Part of Team Awarded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant. Trinity College.

2017     UConn Anthropologist Sarah Willen Awarded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant to Investigate Americans’ Perspectives on Health Equity. Department of Anthropology & Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut.

2017     “Who Deserves a Healthy Life?” A Community Conversation and Emerging Research Study. Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut.


Detroit-Superior Bridge, Cleveland, OH

Detroit-Superior Bridge, Cleveland, OH